Couristan Area Rug Trend Report - New England
TREND - Grand Mi l lennials
This trend gets it. You’re a millennial. It doesn’t want you to lose your spirit. Your personality. Your individuality. Grand Millennials finds beauty in everything that is different and unique. Traditional looks jumbled with a modern, Gypsy vibe. Whether it’s stone-brick, or a bit of nostalgia with the use of a shade of denim or steel, this trend brings your home a crisp, unprocessed modern energy. You’re not your parents... and low-key... your living quarters should reflect that. This trend allows you to show off your individuality by mixing old elements such as floral prints, embroidered linens, and antique furniture with the freshness of the new...creating a space that is totally...and
Color Palette: Blush, Bluebell, Tan, Brown, Hunter Green, Gold, Burnt Orange, Sapphire, Denim, Steel and Lace, Multi
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