Couristan Area Rug Trend Report - New England
TREND - No Boundar ies
Takes the simplistic nature of indoor living off the Cape and blends it with the luxury of the outdoors. Perfect for everyday use. Whether it’s a casual weekend picnic or an outdoor cook-out, this trend is sprawling, inviting and intimate. It’s a little bit of nature mixed with a little bit of indoor comforts, producing something that’s durable, sustainable, and luxurious. By blending sky blue tones with shades of cherry... taupes with grassy greens... No Boundaries brings together a flawless look that is truly one of a kind. Forest red-green florals, cool, onyx leaves, and palms of aqua make the possibilities with this trend never ending, so don’t hold yourself back. Florals, stripes, geometrics, animal prints, contemporary fashions and novelty motifs all come into play while this trend concentrates on a décor that truly has no boundaries. Color Palette: Ivory, Fern, Ruby, Aqua, Cape Blue, Onyx, Taupe, Sunlight, Azure, Sand, Purple, Pink
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