Couristan Framework - Division Profile


Consists of 60% recycled raw material

No Bitumen, PVC or solvent

No hazardous waste

After use the tiles can be disposed without any problems

BENEFITS • Unique 6'x6' tile size, for the creation of larger design repeats, using one quarter of the individual tile types-exclusively available only at Couristan • Choose tiles or broadloom, or use them together for optimized installations • Minimized waste and long-life performance yield reduced cost • Easy to install, easy to remove and easy to replace single and damaged tiles • Easy to store and transport • Easy access to sub-floors and ideal for raised access flooring • Revenue streams are up and running more quickly • Time-tested, proven performance • 80% wool/20% nylon tiles are the perfect solution for smoking casino applications: improved air quality and self extinguishing flammability properties

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